20 Top eCommerce, Marketing Content Producers to follow
So once in a while, I go through my feeds, review the people in my favorites lists on Twitter and generally like to review what content is out there that I, a contentaholic, enjoy consuming. These are 20 I have shortlisted for you.
I consider these people a must if you are in the eCommerce or Retail space. That said, this list certainly spans outside of that box because, well, I am not one for conventional boxes.
The List (Reverse order from the cast, because all are created equal):
Kaleigh Moore
Freelance writer for eCommerce and SaaS brands.
Show link: How To Create Value Packed Content That Your Customer Actually Wants
Site Link: https://www.kaleighmoore.com/blog/
Steve Dennis
The reinvention of retail in the age of digital disruption
Show Link: How to Amplify Customer Experience, Create Scarcity and Be Remarkable
Site: https://stevenpdennis.com
Forbes: https://www.forbes.com/sites/stevendennis/
Giles Thomas
Show Link: 5 Rock Solid Steps to Increased Profits and Conversion Optimization
Site Blog: https://acquireconvert.com/shopify-marketing-blog/
Jasmine Glasheen
Writer. Generational Marketer. Speaker & Journalist.
Show Link: Easily Understand Millennials and Start Increasing Retail Profits
Site Link: https://retailminded.com
Bob Phibbs
The Retail Doc!
Show Link: Technology’s Impact On Retail, Today, Tomorrow And Beyond
Site Blog: https://www.retaildoc.com/blog
Nichole Reyhle
Author of Retail 101, and founder of retailminded.com
Show Link: Technology’s Impact On Retail, Today, Tomorrow And Beyond
Site: retailminded.com
Phil Forbes
A Beard sporting content writer and marketer for ShopLo, Star Wars and Dinosaur nut, all out great guy living in Poland with a sexy Aussie accent!
Show: Achieve Amazingly Real Success With These Awesome Multi-Channel Strategies Today
Site Blog: https://www.shoplo.com/blog/
Bryan Eisenberg
Keynote Speaker New York Times Best Selling Author and co-founder of Buyer Legends
How to use Customer Centricity to Dominate Retail
Show Link: How To Use Customer Centricity To Dominate Retail
Site Link: https://buyerlegends.com/blog/
*BOOK – Be Like Amazon: Even a Lemonade Stand Can Do It
Lianna Patch
Founder of Punchline Conversion Copywriting & Copy Director at Snap Copy
The Copy Comic on Using Humor To Write Copy That Converts
Site Blog: https://www.punchlinecopy.com/blog
Greg Mercer
CEO & Founder of JungleScout.com
Proven eCommerce Strategies & Tools: Start These Today See Results Tomorrow
Site Blog: https://www.junglescout.com/blog/
Phil Winkle
5x Magento Certified, 2x Magento Master. Co-host @magetalk,@commercefuture.
Podcast Link: http://www.futurecommerce.fm/
A retail-focused podcast looking at the future of digital commerce
Brian Lange
Director, West Coast @somethingdigitl, co-host of @commercefuture
Podcast Link: http://www.futurecommerce.fm/
A retail-focused podcast looking at the future of digital commerce
Drew Sanocki
Nerds out on marketing and customer data at NerdMarketing.com
Site Link: https://www.nerdmarketing.com/
Andrew Youderian
eCommerce entrepreneur, blogger & podcaster. Founder of @ecommercefuel, a private community for high six and seven figure store owners.
Site Link: https://www.ecommercefuel.com
Ahna Hendrix
CEO @ARCH_Digital. Yogi. Traveler. Compulsive reader. Foodie…
Site Blog: http://ahnahendrix.com/blog/
Ari Zoldan
CEO Quantum Media | Regular on FOX CNN CNBC covering tech & media, Contributor for inc.com
Inc: https://www.inc.com/author/ari-zoldan
Marsha Collier
Author 48 books: Social Media, eCommerce, eBay, Customer Service. Forbes Top 10 Futurist, Founder #CustServ, #techradio podcast, marketing whisperer.
#TechRadio Link: http://wsradio.com/category/technology/computer-and-technology-radio/
Brian Massey
The Founder and Conversion Scientist
Brians Content: https://conversionsciences.com/blog/author/bmassey/
Shep Hyken
Customer Service Speaker and Bestselling Author
Site Link: https://hyken.com/blog
Bryan Kramer
Insights and thoughts about why being human is our competitive advantage.
LINK: http://bryankramer.com/blog/