We live in an age of digital disruption, and have been for some time now. When someone like Steven Dennis releases a book about How to Win & Keep Customers in The Age of Digital Disruption, its time to take note. I have been a friend and long time fan of the regular contributions to Forbes that Steven Dennis puts out, and love to listen to him speak about retail. He is a very strategic thinker and his book represents this, especially when you get to the second half which focuses specifically on 8 Essentials of Remarkable Retail. I typically do not make recommendation on this show or blog posts, but I certainly think everyone in the businesses of eCommerce, Digital Commerce or Retail need to consider this new book a MUST READ.
Remarkable Retail is setup to address the realworld issues in retail, the inclusion through harmoneous inclusion of digital and physical, and as Steven Dennis has become relativly well known for the end of Boring retail. Or best put in his words: “Physical retail isn’t dead. Boring retail is.”
I am of course a huge advocate of eCommerce and Digital disruption and this interview with Steven Dennis hits the mark. I am excited to offer every listener some of the most powerful insights from one of the leaders in Remarkable Retail. Do not miss this podcast, and get your hands on this book as fast as you can.
Seth Godin refers to this as “Required Reading”
Paco Underhill suggests that you “Skip that online course at Wharton and just buy this book”
I would simply say, if you want to excell in retail regardless of the format which you deliver the experience, this book and more importantly this podcast is a must start place for your learning pleasure.
A few related podcasts from the archives you may enjoy:
How to Disrupt Retail with Value
Experiential Shopping – 100 Years of Secrets Exposed