
Amazons Secret Sauce: Do These Things well Everyday

A Conversation with Fahim Naim, Former Category Manager at Amazon, Founder at eShopportunity and IRCE Speaker.

Would you be willing to FOCUS on less if it meant exponential sales growth for your online store?

Fahim Naim, the founder of eShopportunity and former category manager at Amazon, shares with us some extremely valuable insights which have essentially changed my opinion of Amazon and its importance in your online sales strategy.


A Conversation with Fahim Naim, quotes from the cast:

“The ultimate goal; how do I get my product to customers?”

“No easy answer on what the winning formula is.”

“A balance of Heart, Hustle, Perseverance, being smart and understanding what the customer really wants, and how to give them that value proposition.”

“I appreciate moving quick I appreciate moving fast and with a full head of steam, but, I tend not to be a fan of the black hat tricks that are out there.”

“Whether you want it or not, your customer is buying on Amazon.”

You’ve probably heard the overdone cliche “Fish where the fish are” That’s absolutely true for Amazon.

This year Amazons going to be the biggest fashion retailer in the US, bigger than Macy’s.

“Play by the rules … does not necessarily mean that you cant be clever.”

The one thing I am a big fan of is FOCUS and SIMPLICITY at the beginning of the product life cycle

The idea of selling to multiple channels quickly sounds sexy but you can make your life a lot easier, have a lot more control, and do much more than you probably could imagine, by focusing earlier on with direct to consumer and maybe one or two other channels.

Amazon, they have absolutely lived up to there tag line of being super focused on the customer experience, I would challenge brands to do the same thing.

I think that too often brands think that something is crystal clear because they live in it day to day, but the reality of it is, customers are looking for something different.

Talk to people who are less familiar with the brand, product or service.

Anybody can do it!

This is arguably the best time to launch a business EVER, an eCommerce business especially.

If your an entrepreneur who has had an idea, don’t worry about competition, don’t worry about scaling, don’t worry about a bunch of things that may have prevented you from launching a business, this is a great time to test it out.

Amazon is a great place to start off small, selling direct to consumers through your own website is also a great option if you can acquire your customers cost effectively and you can create some level of lifetime value.

Anybody whos’ been thinking about launching a business … the platforms are already there, now it’s about you taking advantage and making that leap of faith to go ahead and launch that business.

I am very bullish on new brands and I just continue to see so many successful cases.

If you want to be part of this growing rocketship, where it has an infinite amount of control over your customers purchasing and research habits, you have to do so with a longterm plan.

1. How do I portray what my product benefits, what my brand stands for etc, all through the details page?

2. How do I do that through a limited amount of space

3. How do I keep the engine continuing to go?

“The Secret Sauce so to speak is making sure you do all these things well all the time.”

When asking yourself, how can I accelerate the growth? I would think about:
How can I do this within the terms of service … Play by the rules does not necessarily mean that you can’t be clever.


Links from the Cast:
eShopportunity: Amazon e-commerce consulting partner
VentureBeat Article: What the Whole Foods acquisition will do for Amazon


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About Branden Moskwa

He is the co-founder of calls him remarkably innovative. IBM says he is one of the industry's brightest minds, and SAP refers to him as one of the industry's top players. Branden has been quoted by and CDW and his company was recognized for being one of the top 5 most innovative companies by SBBC.
