
The Unsung Hero of eCommerce

Is using email in ecommerce “So last decade” or is it still the unsung hero? This podcast and amazing FREE template will explain.

I used to ignore email, I always thought its out dated, and too spammy, people hate getting it, and hate having to clean out thier email boxes on a daily basis. BUT, there is something to be said about the success email can have in your customers overall ecommerce experience.

On this podcast about the unsung hero of ecommerce, I speak with Phillip Rivers about just how important email is in ecommerce.

I am still on the fence in some ways, BUT, I do beleive that there are some significant benefits to using email and these are discussed.

Make sure you have a listen and take a moment to reachout to me, should you wish to setup some further integrations between your ecommerce website and email.

You can also pickup my FREE GUIDE: The Ultimate Cart Abandonment Template HERE! It’s 3 simple templates that should be used as a guide, if your not getting the traction on your cart or checkout abanonment email campaigns OR you havent started an cart or checkout abandonment email campaign.

Regardless of the abandonment process, there are so many reasons to use email from engaging with new or potential customers, to winning back old ones.

Have a listen to this podcast for more indepth discussion about the unsung hero in ecommerce: email marketing.

You can also reach Phillip here.

About Branden Moskwa

He is the co-founder of calls him remarkably innovative. IBM says he is one of the industry's brightest minds, and SAP refers to him as one of the industry's top players. Branden has been quoted by and CDW and his company was recognized for being one of the top 5 most innovative companies by SBBC.
