Discover how an ecommerce coach can help optimize the performance of your ecommerce website so you can focus on what you do well.
Tune into the podcast NOW!
Did you know you can grow your ecommerce business the right way, with less mistakes by hiring an ecommerce coach, mentor or consultant? Someone that knows the technological aspects and solutions you need to scale, grow and stay ahead in a competitive market space.
Now more than ever ecommerce startups are led by non-technical entrepreneurs. This is what I refer to as the Zuckerberg effect; Non-technical individuals running hi-tech companies. There is nothing wrong with this, but you need to make sure that you have the RIGHT technical resource at the ready when you need them.
This is exactly what I cover in this podcast!
Avoid the Zuckerberg effect and hire the right ecommerce resource for your business today.
Alternatively you can read and/or download this guide: The Zuckerberg Effect: Your Ultimate guide to Finding The BEST Ecommerce Consultant.
YOU Deserve Success!
PS. I have isolated 5 specific reasons why all ecommerce businesses fail. These reasons are rapidly escalated when there is a technical gap at the top of the chain (*Hint – One of the 5 reasons)!
If you ignore these 5 factors and don’t start to concentrate on these areas on your ecommerce site, you will continue to find yourself with stagnated growth, higher than needed overhead, reduced cash flow, or worse! Book a call with me Now, and let me walk you through the process I will follow to help make you a success.