
How To Disrupt Retail With Value

A Conversation with Eric Almquist: LISTEN NOW

Lets disrupt retail! Yes eCommerce and retail share a common bond, but I also love to use eCommerce and its technical advantages to completely disrupt retail. Today however, we are going to use VALUE as a means of disrupting the retail industry.

Can you battle the giants with elements of value? What mix of these elements do your customers crave?

Delivering value to your customer on the function, emotional or transcendental levels and executing on these with precision is exactly how startups like are “Out-Amazoning” Amazon.

Identifying and incorporating what THEIR customers crave most!

Listen to the podcast as we uncover the secrets within a recent study by Bain and Company titled “Delivering What Consumers Really Value.”

A Study that surveyed 45,000 consumers, 190 companies and 22 retail categories.

They took the approach to the net promoter score and asked the same question about 30 different value elements and the findings are very interesting and could disrupt many industries if the findings are implemented and executed well.

One of my favorite points of the entire call was that in order to compete you need to make the online shopping experience easier for customers, I mean to me it’s a no brainer, but the templated approach will never allow you to compete with the giants in your industry.

Today’s podcast covers the elements to do just that, effectively guiding companies on where to play and how to win – even against competitors as formidable as Amazon.

Website: The Elements of Value For B2B Companies Video
Harvard Business Review: The B2B Elements of Value
LinkedIn: Eric Almquist

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About Branden Moskwa

He is the co-founder of calls him remarkably innovative. IBM says he is one of the industry's brightest minds, and SAP refers to him as one of the industry's top players. Branden has been quoted by and CDW and his company was recognized for being one of the top 5 most innovative companies by SBBC.
