
Realize Success with Curiosity, Open Heart & the Strangest Secret

A Conversation with Bob Phibbs, The Retail Doc
I met Bob nearly a year ago and his personality and good nature have resonated with me ever since. He has personally taught me so much, and this podcast is just a small glimps into the mind of what makes this guy so great. It was a real pleasure to have him on the show, and if you do not learn something from this cast well…

Bob Phibbs Quotes from the cast

“Just Be Curious”
– Bob Phibbs, The Retail Doctor

“Did you open your heart to them?”
– Bob Phibbs, The Retail Doctor

“It’s a dirt road, there’s going to be some bumps and that’s ok, but don’t take the easy route.”
– Bob Phibbs, The Retail Doctor

“How do I engage somebody in a unique way that lets the best of your personality meet the best of their personality with an open heart.”
– Bob Phibbs, The Retail Doctor

“We are so consumed with the get in and get out, and we are going to be kiosk and electronic. I think that is a recipe for failure.”
– Bob Phibbs, The Retail Doctor

“I have time for you right now, and for time to stand still, and as long as that happens life is easy.”
– Bob Phibbs, The Retail Doctor

About tech in commerce: “If used in conjunction with humans that’s fine”
– Bob Phibbs, The Retail Doctor

Links from the Cast:

Retail Doc Website:

SalesRX: Online Sales Training

Twitter: @theretaildoctor

LinkedIn: Bob Phibbs

The Strangest Secret: On YouTube

How Does Erectile Dysfunction Occur Today

About Branden Moskwa

He is the co-founder of calls him remarkably innovative. IBM says he is one of the industry's brightest minds, and SAP refers to him as one of the industry's top players. Branden has been quoted by and CDW and his company was recognized for being one of the top 5 most innovative companies by SBBC.
