Free Masterclass For eCommerce Founders Reveals…
“The Performance Optimization Strategy I use to grow online store sales an average of 285%
So You Can Convert Existing Traffic
Into Greater Profits in the Next 30-Days!"
What is a Performance Optimization Audit?
Knowing how to maximize your site's performance, engage your customers, sell more products and reduce costs is crucial in the ecommerce world.
But what works, is different for every industry. For example, what works in the service industry does not work in the product based ecommerce environment. If you want to leverage the powers of technology, it’s important to understand what works in ecommerce, specifically.
If you aren’t sure what optimizes performance in ecommerce or the importance of optimization tactics and encompassing strategy, let me explain. Implementing a solid optimization strategy does 3 crucial things:
Increases Profits
Through laser focus on Branden's hyper-disruptive trends specifically derived to focus on boosting the overall bottom line.
Reduces Expenses
Through the strategic implementation of backend integrations and automations you can significantly reduce overhead.
Skyrockets sales to existing traffic
Through front-end tactics you can maximize existing traffic and turn it into increased sales.
Here's What We'll Cover Together:
Inside this masterclass, you’ll find in depth video training specifically focused on The State of the Industry and how times have changed, five trends that could put you out of business or send you to the stars, some solutions everyone should know to succeed, and how YOU can be ahead of the pack in every way.
State Of The Industry
I will blow your mind with real statistics that everyone needs to know to make educated decisions. Each of these mind blowing numbers have lead to The Five Trends we cannot ignore.
Five Disruptive Trends
A significant amount of research has gone into the discovery of the FIVE most Disruptive Trends in eCommerce. These trends can either put you out of business or send you to the stars.
Solutions You Need
I will walk you through the solutions you need to know in order to succeed in ecommerce. This process will help you devise and complete your performance optimization strategy, so you can survive and thrive.
If you are ready to end your frustrations and start building your optimization strategy then click the button below to claim your seat NOW!
Next session starts:
Friday, Jan. 17th @ 11:00AM PT
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Hey, I'm Branden Moskwa, coach to ambitious eCommerce founders, entrepreneur, and host of the eCommerce Allstars Podcast.
Whether you've heard of me or not, I'm sure you've heard of IBM, SAP and Oracle.
I've been fortunate enough to work with each of these organizations as an industry thought leader, handpicked based on my field expertise, social presence, and engagement in the commerce conversation, specifically related to my expertise in eCommerce.
I live and breathe eCommerce, and think its fair to say I know my stuff.
Branden has also been recognized as an ecommerce expert by these top media organizations and more:
In the past 15 years, I've worked with over 100+ ecommerce founders to help them automate workflows, streamline checkouts, and ultimately increase profits.
Here's what them and others have had to say...
Jeff Alpaugh
"Branden is forward thinking and looking to see what's going to be big before anyone else knows about it."
Whitney Blankenship
Content Manager
"Branden Moskwa is an ecommerce expert powerhouse and about as expert as you can get in this industry. ... Branden doesn’t just rely on the tried and true tactics, he’s constantly thinking of ways to innovate."
Sabrina Gaffney
“Really knows his stuff when it comes to eCommerce ... Can't wait to see what else he comes up with!”
Casey Mahoney
“We made over a million dollars in profit in our first year in business”
Jasmine Glasheen
“A go-to e-commerce professional, as well as a trusted thought leader in the fields of technology and e-commerce.”
Bryan Eisenberg
Keynote Speaker
“Branden, Thanks so much for all you do for the industry.”
Today, you can begin to optimize the performance of your ecommerce site and experience the power of technology and maximized efficiencies in ecommerce.
There is NO COST to take this action NOW.
But inaction is the most costly action!
Next session starts:
Friday, Jan. 17th @ 11:00AM PT
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