A Conversation with Jason Crook, Phounder of ThePhagShop.com
I have known Jason for a couple years and is my privilege to speak with him about his successes and struggles in retail through his shift into eCommerce. He has some valued insights and unique perspectives that every entrepreneur should listen to.
When it comes to eCommerce Success Stories what Jason has done and continues to do with his business is both unique and encouraging.
A Conversation with Jason Crook, Quotes from the cast
“Find what you love, find the things your good at, and then find the opportunity where they align because you can create success out of anything that has value.”
“Successful business isn’t always through the earth-shattering breakthroughs or inventive technologies.”
“If I like it, it makes the cut!”
“I care about if it’s a super cool piece and is a reflection of something that is unique and different.”
“The only thing discriminating at PHAG is TASTE!”
“There is always a less expensive less involved thing that you can use as a substitute.”
“It’s all about adaptation, and being willing to adapt to what is happening.”
“If you just keep following what your planning to do and you don’t pay attention to what’s happening, I think that’s how you become extinct!”
“The success has been being open and willing to adapt my concept.”
“I believe the window of the heyday of the internet with furnishings is going to close as the tax loopholes get closed down.”
“I think that those law changes (out of state tax laws) will push certain kinds of businesses back into the more physical mainstream environment.”
“The secret to life is Empathy.”
“Empathy is sort of a forgotten tool of success for life.”
Links from the Cast:
The Phag Shop: ThePHAGshop.com
Phag Shop on Twitter: @PhagShop
Jason Crook on LinkedIn: Jason’s LinkedIN