A Conversation with Viv and Tash: LISTEN NOW
Instagram is one of the most powerful social media tools available in your arsenal as an eCommerce store owner, are you on it? Are you using it correctly, most importantly IS IT GENERATING SALES FOR YOU?
I made a conscious decision years ago to pick one main social channel to work with that would both fit me, my personality as well as the goals of both my personal brand and my business undertakings. This social channel was twitter, LinkedIn is now a very strong part of my arsenal as well, but still, my largest follower base and engagement is on twitter.
If you are selling online you need to unleash your magical powers all over Instagram. If you do this and do so correctly your marketing will be heading in the right direction, and today we will discuss exactly how to do this correctly when we talk to these amazing young rock stars of Instagram Viv and Tash from AcetheGram.com
They will share their infectious happiness and teach us all a thing or two (probably more if you’re actually listening) about tackling Instagram, why you need to do it, why now is the best time to start and some awesome secrets to success.
Enjoy 🙂
PS. If you liked this show, you should check this one out from some time back with the interview with Mike Kawula, Former CEO of Social Quant & Author of Twitter Marketing that Sells.Need Quality Traffic? eCommerce Twitter Strategies to Start Today
Website: Fast-track Your Instagram Growth & Engagement
Podcast: Top Ranked Instagram Podcast: Ace The Gram Podcast
Instagram: Tasha Meys
Instagram: Viv Conway