A Conversation with Josh Cary: LISTEN NOW
When you talk about using video in eCommerce you need to hear from this guy –> Josh Cary! Yes, Josh is a true master and not just an award winning pitmaster, but in my opinion, a legend when it comes to creating a successful blend between YouTube and eCommerce. What an incredible story, listen now to learn how they created a channel with over 237,000 subscribers, and heated up sales more than any hot sauce they sell, well except maybe the PAIN 100% hot sauce!
Josh also drops some interesting facts about “Enjoy Now Pay Later” a MUST listen for any eCommerce professional or entrepreneur, especially if you’re doing 6 figure sales volumes.
Enjoy 🙂
PS. If you liked this show and want more on video and how to make it work for you check out this cast:Successful eCommerce Sites Get The Most Out Of VIDEO
Website: All Things Barbecue
YouTube Channel: The Sauce
Twitter: @thejoshcary
Instagram: @thejoshcary